Issue - meetings

Housing Enforcement Policy

Meeting: 09/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Housing Enforcement Policy pdf icon PDF 136 KB

The report of the Director – Neighbourhoods is attached.

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It was RESOLVED that the adoption of the new Housing Enforcement Policy 2024-29 be approved.


The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Housing and Planning, Councillor Upton presented the report of the Director – Neighbourhoods, which detailed the new Housing Enforcement Policy for 2024-2029.


Councillor Upton advised that the Policy outlined how the Council intended to secure effective compliance with relevant housing legislation, with the main objective being to ensure that all properties let as residential properties were safe, well managed and to appropriate standards. The Policy included at Appendix 1 to the report detailed information on a wide range of issues and legislation, as did the 10 appendices in the Policy.  Cabinet noted that the fundamental aim of the Policy was to manage how enforcement was undertaken, especially for those in rented, multi-occupation and mobile homes. Councillor Upton stated that housing was a fundamental human need, and the quality of housing did effect quality of life and the environment, both of which were key priorities for Rushcliffe, as stated in its Corporate Strategy.


In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Inglis thanked officers for their hard work in producing this excellent Policy and concurred with Councillor Upton’s comments.  Councillor Inglis felt that the Policy provided clear, easy to understand principles, actions and procedures that would be invaluable to all parties, and it would also be an excellent reference document for Councillors.  All too often there were examples of poor quality, unsafe housing and a Policy that could consolidate enforcement rules and regulations should be embraced.  Councillor Inglis stated that it was vital that the Council met its statutory obligations to ensure that residential properties were properly maintained and managed to ensure quality of life, healthy and safe conditions for tenants, and he felt that this Policy would do this.


Councillor J Wheeler stated that it was important for all tenants to know that standards were in place and that action could be taken, as everyone had the right to live in safe, good quality accommodation.


The Leader, Councillor Clarke advised that this was a statutory obligation and he stated that the purpose of the Policy was summed up in the introduction, when it stated that all properties should be safe, of good quality, free from major dis-repair and well managed, and it was essential that those standards were maintained by the Council.


Councillor Upton reminded Cabinet that the Policy also covered private, freehold owner occupiers, as they were not immune from enforcement, when there were potential risks to the public.    


It was RESOLVED that the adoption of the new Housing Enforcement Policy 2024-29 be approved.