20 Approval of the Scrutiny Annual Reports 2023/24 PDF 139 KB
The report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services is attached.
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The Leader and Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Borough-wide Leadership, Councillor Clarke presented the report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services providing a review of the work undertaken by the Council’s four Scrutiny Groups during 2023/24.
The Leader informed Council that he had great pleasure in presenting the annual scrutiny reports for approval and referred to the importance of scrutiny in helping to develop policy, address the concerns of residents, and provide the appropriate checks and balances. After Councillor Brennan had been given the opportunity to second the report, he asked that each of the scrutiny chairs be invited to deliver a brief summary of the year.
Councillor Brennan seconded the recommendation and reserved the right to speak.
Councillor Combellack, Chair of the Corporate Overview Group for 2023/24, reported on a very productive year in which improvements had been made to the scrutiny process, including a simplified scrutiny request form and the opportunity to present those requests to the Corporate Overview Group in person. Councillor Combellack was keen to point out that not all requests to scrutiny were forwarded to a scrutiny group for discussion, some were addressed directly by officers, by other Council groups, or referred to Cabinet. Councillor Combellack urged Councillors to continue highlighting topics for potential scrutiny and asked them to engage with officers in the first instance to ensure requests coming forward were well formulated, within the Council’s remit and represented good value for money.
Councillor Edyvean, Chair of the Governance Scrutiny Group, thanked members of the group for their attendance and respectful debate, and his Vice-chair for her support during the year. Councillor Edyvean explained that the Governance Scrutiny Group differed from the other scrutiny groups as it was primarily backward looking, focusing on financial performance and assurance. The Group had also looked at the Constitution, and given the number and complexity of changes, especially in relation to planning matters, a Member Working Group had been established to consider them. Councillor Edyvean stated that Rushcliffe was very lucky to have such skilled officers and encouraged all Councillors to attend the annual Treasury Management Training.
Councillor Williams, Chair of the Communities Scrutiny Group, referred to the wide range and interesting subjects the Group had considered, including Social Housing Models, Smoke Control Areas, Streetwise, East Midlands Airport, and the Council’s Carbon Management Plan. Councillor Williams thanked the members of his Group, those that had substituted when needed, and his Vice-chair.
Councillors Matthews, Chair of the Growth and Development Scrutiny Group, had noted the willingness and productiveness of Councillors and officers to work together to scrutinise a range of topics, when he had taken over the position of Chair part-way through the year. He thanked all participants for their enthusiasm and contributions to the meetings and also his Vice-chair and his predecessor Councillor R Walker.
Councillor Gowland, the Vice-chair of Governance Scrutiny Group, informed Council that despite the complex reports being considered by the Group, the presentations and explanations by both officers and external speakers ... view the full minutes text for item 20