Issue - meetings

Annual Fraud Report

Meeting: 30/05/2024 - Governance Scrutiny Group (Item 5)

5 Annual Fraud Report 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 150 KB

Report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services

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Mr Armstrong from BDO, the Council’s Internal Auditors presented the Annual Fraud Report for 2023/24, which summarised the incidence of fraud and fraud prevention activities at the Council during the year 2023/24.


The Group was reminded that following a recommendation made by it last year, the Council has prepared a Fraud Risk Assessment, which would be brought to the next meeting in September. Mr Armstrong advised that in recent years across the public sector, a general increase around detected fraud had been well reported, with much of that driven by Covid related fraud.  It was noted that no instances of fraud had been identified as part of the Internal Audit work, and only one instance identified by the management team. The Council was working with the Nottinghamshire Fraud Partnership, which again showed commitment to tackling fraud across the wider sector. Mr Armstrong referred to the review undertaken in November 2023, to look at single person discounts for Council Tax, which had resulted in a significant additional increase in Council Tax revenue. Internal Audit had also looked at Grant Management Controls and the potential fraud risk of giving out grants, and he confirmed that substantial assurance had been provided from that review. Mr Armstrong concluded by referring to areas where the Council could improve, including specific fraud awareness training for staff and testing to gauge staff awareness.


Councillor Gowland asked what the whistle blowing procedure was at Rushcliffe and how easy it was to access and use, and the Service Manager – Finance advised that staff were made aware of the clear guidance, which could be shared.


Councillor Butler referred to Council Tax discounts for 18 year olds and the mismatches and questioned if there was a danger of more losing out on discounts, given that more people were not registering on the electoral role and the Service Manager – Finance advised that there were other ways of matching people to property.


The Vice Chair questioned why the Council did not have a dedicated fraud prevention resource and Mr Armstrong advised that the Council did take fraud seriously and fraud was more the responsibility of Service Managers. The Director – Finance and Corporate Services stated that historically the Council did have a Fraud Manager; however, when part of Housing Benefits had transferred to the DWP, part of that post was also transferred, which happened at many councils. He stated that if the Council was concerned that the risk was significant enough, it would look at the possibility of creating a post; however, based on recent history it was not considered necessary, although that would continue to be monitored.


The Director – Finance and Corporate Services thanked Mr Armstrong on behalf of the Council for his hard work over the past months.


It was RESOLVED that the Annual Fraud Report for 2023/24 be accepted.