Issue - meetings

Annual Update on Strategic Tasks

Meeting: 04/06/2024 - Corporate Overview Group (Item 6)

6 Annual Update on Strategic Tasks pdf icon PDF 130 KB

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The Service Manager for Corporate Service presented the Annual Update on Strategic Tasks and explained that this was the first time that this report had been presented to the Group and that it sought to provide clarity about what each of the tasks was intending to achieve.


The Service Manager for Corporate Services said that when she brought a progress update report later in the year this report could be used as a comparator.


The Chairman said that it was interesting to see progress and was glad that work had commenced for all.


The Chair of Governance referred to the recent Peer Review commenting on the number of strategies that the Council had. The Service Manager for Corporate Services confirmed that the number of tasks was decided by Councillors and that it would be for them to decide if they wished to change how many there were.


Councillor Plant referred to the task pertaining to the Infrastructure Levy replacing CIL and the Service Manager for Corporate Services explained that this formed part of the Levelling Up Bill which was awaiting secondary legislation.


It was RESOLVED that the Corporate Overview Group:


a)    considered the strategic task appraisals included in Appendix A;


b)    requested that an update on progress against the delivery of the strategic tasks be reported back in summer 2025.