Issue - meetings

Diversity Annual Report and update on the Equality and Diversity Strategy

Meeting: 04/06/2024 - Corporate Overview Group (Item 5)

5 Diversity Annual Report and update on the Equality and Diversity Strategy pdf icon PDF 137 KB

Report of the Chief Executive

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The Service Manager for Economic Growth and Property presented the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Scheme update and Diversity Annual Report 2023 to 2024 to the Group.


The Service Manager for Economic Growth and Property confirmed that the report was brought to the Group annually and explained that the residents’ data remained the same as last year as it was based on Census 2021 information. She noted that there was some consistency between the profile of Rushcliffe residents, Councillors and Council employees.


In relation to Gender Pay Gap reporting, the Service Manager for Economic Growth and Property explained that legislation required organisations with over 250 employees to publish this information every year and information contained in the report was up to the end of March 2023, with information up to March 2024 due to be published in July this year. She noted that there had been an increase in the percentage of women receiving higher pay than men.


In relation to applicants for jobs, the Service Manager for Economic Growth and Property said that the Council had received around 300 more applicants than last year, in some part due to a few roles receiving a high number of applications. She noted that that the majority of people applying for roles were aged 25-34 which was different to the average workforce age of 45-64, which was positive for future organisational resilience.


In relation to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Scheme (ED&I) Action Plan, the Service Manager for Economic Growth and Property explained that the scheme was adopted in May 2021 with four high level objectives; to make Rushcliffe a welcoming place for everyone, for its services to be easy to access for all, to treat people fairly and to meet individual needs, and to make Rushcliffe a place where everyone could achieve their potential.


The Service Manager for Economic Growth and Property said that the Council had established an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Scheme Steering Group which met quarterly and involved Officers from across the Council so that different service areas from across the Council contributed to the Action Plan activity.


The Service Manager for Economic Growth and Property explained that a review of the Equality Impact Assessment process had been carried out with the outcome that the process be split into two parts, implementing an initial assessment of key questions to identify whether a more in-depth review was required. She said that any assessments completed would go to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Scheme Steering Group for review. She said that the Council also received support from East Midlands Council.


The Service Manager for Economic Growth and Property said that a review of Equality and Diversity staff training had been carried out, which had led to additional aspects being included in the online training programme. She said that the Council was looking at providing British Sign Language training and Neurodiversity training, initially for frontline and line manager staff respectively.


The Service Manager for Economic Growth and Property said that the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5