Issue - meetings

Draft Training Programme 2024/25

Meeting: 26/03/2024 - Member Development Group (Item 36)

36 Draft Training Programme 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 149 KB


The Service Manager – Corporate Services presented the draft Training Programme for Councillors for 2024/25 as detailed in Appendix One to the report.


The Chair reiterated that people learned in different ways and questioned if any of the 16 face to face courses, listed in Appendix One were also available as an e-Learning module. On looking at the list of six mandatory e-learning courses, it was noted that two courses, Equality and Diversity and Disability and Discrimination were also covered by face to face sessions.


The Chair advised that the draft Training Programme included a repeat of the Understanding Licensing Committee training, and she hoped that all members of the Committee would be trained after this session.  It was noted that there was an e-learning module for Chairing Skills, which would also be helpful.  The Service Manager – Corporate Services advised that all Councillors should attend the face to face session on Updates for Planning Committee members.


A member of the Group asked if there could be some training around dyslexia, autism, hearing and sight loss and the Service Manager – Corporate Services stated that this could be looked into.


The Chair questioned if the Cyber Security session should be mandatory rather than desirable given the increasing threats associated with this.  Members of the Group considered that on balance, although it was an important issue, and as there was also an e-learning module available it should remain as desirable.

The Service Manager – Corporate Services confirmed that this could also be included again in future face to face GDPR sessions when they were scheduled.


The Chair hoped that for some sessions going forward, for example planning and use of the Planning Portal, there could be some live demonstrations to further enhance those sessions.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)               that a session on dyslexia, autism and other sensory issues be added to the Councillors ‘Training Programme for 2024/25; and


b)               that the Councillors’ Training Programme 2024/25 be approved.