Issue - meetings

Review of the Protocol on Councillor/Officer Relations

Meeting: 06/02/2024 - Standards Committee (Item 4)

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The Monitoring Officer presented the Review of the Protocol on Councillor/Officer Relations report which provide an update on the operation and efficacy of the Protocol, including awareness of the Protocol by Councillors and any actions taken to improve that awareness.


The Monitoring Officer said that the Protocol was to be reviewed by Standards Committee at least once every four years to ensure that it remained fit for purpose. She said that the Council reviewed its entire Constitution on a yearly basis, which the Protocol formed part of, and that no changes had been made to the Protocol since its adoption. It was considered timely to revisit it now in light of the recent Peer Challenge and to also design a training resource specific to the Protocol to ensure that Councillors and Officers were aware of it and its application.


The Monitoring Officer said that every local authority should have its own written Statement or Protocol governing relations between Councillors and Officers.  She referred the Group to the Council’s Protocol at Appendix A which she had reviewed and considered to be aligned with the Council’s Code of Conduct. As such she did not propose any amendments at this time but said that if amendments were made to the Council’s Code of Conduct in the future, then a review would be required to ensure alignment of the Protocol with those changes.


The Monitoring Officer confirmed that a session on conduct and ethical standards had been included in the Councillor Induction Programme following the elections in May 2023, which had included reference to the Protocol. She said that new Officer Inductions also included reference to the Code of Conduct which included reference to the Protocol.


The Monitoring Officer said that the LGA had produced a Councillor Workbook which could be found at Appendix B and suggested that this could be used to inform a training session for both Councillors and Officers, to assist in understanding of each other’s roles and how best to assist each other to achieve the best outcomes for residents.


Ms White – Independent Member raised a number of points, including that both Officer and staff terminology was used in the Protocol, where reference was made to Officers reporting matters to senior managers she suggested that more information be provided as to what that senior should do about it, and where there was reference to signposting that more information be included about this including where and how to signpost. 


Members of the Group noted that there was much information provided in the Protocol and much for new Councillors to learn. The Group wondered whether too much was expected of new Councillors too quickly and whether it be more that they learned over time. Perhaps key information, such as the distinction between County, borough and parish functions, be provided and that signposting to information be provided as required.


Mr Richards – Independent Person said that the Protocol did not mention the relationship between Councillors and the Council as an organisation and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4