Issue - meetings

Potential Contact Centre Relocation

Meeting: 13/02/2024 - Cabinet (Item 52)

52 Potential Relocation of the West Bridgford Customer Service Centre pdf icon PDF 156 KB

The report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services is attached.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)                   exploring the relocation of the Customer Service Centre to West Bridgford Library as soon as possible in conjunction with Inspire, who operate the site on Nottinghamshire County Council’s behalf be approved; and


b)                   the Council’s Property team be requested to work with partners to market the existing Fountain Court premises to find a suitable tenant in line with its lease obligations at the site.  


The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Wellbeing, ICT and Member Development, Councillor J Wheeler presented the report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services outlining proposals regarding a potential relocation of the West Bridgford Customer Service Centre.


Councillor Wheeler advised that several years ago, following the closure of the Police Station, a new site on Gordon Road had been identified as suitable for the Customer Service Centre, to help improve footfall in a struggling area, whilst maintaining a presence in the town centre, as many people still preferred to access services face to face. Since Covid, engagement had changed dramatically; however, it was acknowledged that many people still preferred to access services in person. Councillor Wheeler confirmed that talks had taken place with the County Council, to explore the relocation of the Customer Service Centre to West Bridgford Library, allowing residents to access all services in this one, accessible, prime location, close to good bus routes and next to a car park. Cabinet was advised that there would be a financial saving, and the move would also allow a business unit to be brought back into use on Gordon Road, which was now thriving. Councillor Wheeler concluded by stating that this was the best option going forward and confirmed that none of the other sites around the Borough would be affected, with the same opening hours and excellent levels of service would being maintained.


In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Upton supported this approach, having very little risk, a financial saving, bringing great synergy of services and potentially returning a commercial unit back into the town centre.


The Leader agreed that this new location would be an excellent ‘one stop’ shop, and subject to finding a tenant for the unit, it would present significant savings. 


Councillor Brennan stated that by using its investment and creative thinking well, the Council could contribute to keeping Rushcliffe’s high streets and town centres vibrant, given that so many had struggled since Covid.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)                   exploring the relocation of the Customer Service Centre to West Bridgford Library as soon as possible in conjunction with Inspire, who operate the site on Nottinghamshire County Council’s behalf be approved; and


b)                   the Council’s Property team be requested to work with partners to market the existing Fountain Court premises to find a suitable tenant in line with its lease obligations at the site.