Issue - meetings

Carbon Management Plan Update

Meeting: 21/03/2024 - Communities Scrutiny Group (Item 18)

18 Carbon Management Plan Update pdf icon PDF 303 KB

Report of the Director - Neighbourhoods

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The Community Development Manager presented an update on the Carbon Management Plan. He explained that carbon emission information was separated into the three categories, being Scope, 1 (direct emissions from the Council’s activity), Scope 2 (indirect emissions, for example from electricity) and Scope 3 (indirect emissions from supply chains and services).


The Community Development Manager explained that the Council had developed a roadmap towards achieving net zero as a business, but that emissions had increased slightly recently due to a variety of factors, including a return to business as usual following the pandemic, the in-sourcing of the Streetwise company and the opening of Rushcliffe Oaks crematorium.


The Community Development Manager said that the Council had also made a commitment, in line with national and international governments, to be Net Zero as a Local authority Area by 2050. He noted that public sector emissions contributed 9% and towards the overall carbon output for the Borough, with the largest contributor being transport at 33%.


The Group was updated on the successful completion of a number of projects, including heat decarbonisation for all non-leisure stock estate, a Swimming Pool Support Fund Award at Cotgrave Leisure Centre, completion of energy mapping work for assets and that the Council was hoping to replace the gas boilers at Sir Julian Cahn pavilion and Gamston community centre with air source heat pumps.


The Group was updated that the Council was mapping its transport and emissions, taking into consideration current technologies and the rural nature of the Borough to inform its vehicle replacement programme. The Community Development Manager said that the Council was also looking at working with Zest Energy regarding installation of EV charge points across the Borough.


In relation to contracts and procurement, the Community Development Manager said that the Council had written policies into its procurement strategy and was considering its supply chains and had employed a new biodiversity net gain (BNG) assistant to support introduction of the new legislation.


In relation to policy and regulation, the Community Development Manager said that the Council was currently reviewing its Review of Air Quality Strategy, had set up a Big Business Carbon Club and had been commended by a recent Peer Review for the work that it had completed to date.


In relation the waste and recycling, the Service Manager Neighbourhoods said that the Council was looking at how it collected waste, in line with expected changes to national guidance, with it likely that weekly food collections would be introduced later in 2027 and kerbside glass collection by 2026 as part of the Smarter Recycling initiative. He said that the Council was collectively working with local authorities across the County to take a whole system approach as much as possible.


The Community Development Manager said that the Council was looking at its data centre emissions, staff travel and had moved to procure its electricity from renewable sources. He said that the Council was also working with RCAN and parish and town councils supporting them with their asset  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18