Issue - meetings

Risk Management Update

Meeting: 22/02/2024 - Governance Scrutiny Group (Item 38)

38 Risk Management Update pdf icon PDF 164 KB

Report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services.

Additional documents:


The Service Manager – Finance presented the Risk Management Progress report which provided the Group with a summary of the risks in the Council’s Risk Registers that have changed, been removed or new risks that have been identified as a result of management reviews.


The Group noted that there are currently 38 corporate risks, 27 operational risks and four opportunity risks and these were provided in Appendix A of the report. There are no new risks, however Appendix B of the report outlined changes to risk descriptions and includes new risks that will be added to the Service Plans and future reports to Governance Scrutiny Group.


The Service Manager highlighted those risks that had decreased or increased risk ratings including:


OR_DEG06 Cost of defending appeals for large scale residential developments and potential award costs – Likelihood increased from 1 to 3 as Committee have refused two major (allocated) housing sites contrary to officer recommendation. Cost of defending appeals and payment of any costs claim awarded for unreasonable behaviour.


The Group discussed some of the issues around recent planning decisions that were contrary to Officers recommendation, highlighting the decisions for refusal had not been met without significant debate by the Planning Committee. Members of the Group questioned whether all Councillors should receive further guidance and training on planning policy and local planning policies so that Councillors have a better understanding of the planning pressures. 


A specific question was asked with regards to the deletion of the risk in respect of the Afghan Relocation Programme and whether the Council should still be considering the failure to provide affordable housing as a risk. The Director – Finance and Corporate Services explained that it is difficult to find appropriate land and agreed to amend the wording in response to this issue.


A specific question was raised with regard to Rushcliffe Oaks crematorium and its under performance and whether this would have any significant effect on the Council’s finances. The Service Manager – Finance explained the revenue expected from opening was only an estimation at the time it was set, which had not been met, however, the Group were assured the crematorium is not making a loss and cremation services are increasing. It was noted that the Crematorium performance will be reported to Growth and Development Scrutiny Group at its meeting in July 2024.


A question was raised with regards to equal pay settlements. The Group were assured by the Director – Finance and Corporate Services that there were no concerns regarding equal pay.


It was RESOLVED that Governance Scrutiny Group:


a)    Note the contents of the report.


b)    Noted and provided comments on risks that had red alert status.