Issue - meetings

Health and Safety Annual Report

Meeting: 05/09/2023 - Corporate Overview Group (Item 10)

10 Health and Safety Annual Report pdf icon PDF 151 KB

Report of the Director – Neighbourhoods

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The Strategic HR Manager presented the Health and Safety Annual Report which summarised the Council’s occupational health and safety performance during the period 1 April 2022 to end March 2023, including health and safety policies, procedures and activities which have taken place during this period. The report also sets out the training programmes delivered, provided numerical and statistical data and the proposed health and safety objectives for the year.


The Strategic HR Manager highlighted the key objectives for the Group to consider for 2023/24 as follows:


·       Review and update the policies that are over three years old

·       Health and safety compliance audits across the authority

·       Continue to support health and safety compliance at Streetwise

·       Health and Safety Inspection at Rushcliffe Oaks

·       Improvements to e-learning compliance rates for DSE e-learning courses by moving over to certification

·       Continue to deliver appropriate workplace health initiatives in line with employee needs


Councillor Plant asked a specific question relating to the health and safety audit of Streetwise and asked how soon would the follow up work within the action plan be completed. The Strategic HR Manager explained that the audits carried out by Bolsover District Council highlighted that Streetwise Management were generally aware of their role and duties under the relevant health and safety legislation, however there been some confusion and lack of clarity in the documentation which was over complicated.  The Strategic HR Manager added that regular toolbox meetings in respect of the internal procedures and bringing Streetwise under the restraints of the Council should resolve any shortfalls identified.


Councillor Way asked about the reporting of accidents at play parks and in particular open space areas of new housing estates. The Strategic HR Manager advised that incidents at Rushcliffe Country Park were reported to rangers and recorded, but in respect of accident data at other play areas across the Borough which are unmanned, unless accidents or faulty equipment are reported to the Parish, Town or the Borough Council we would not be made aware of any issues.


The Chairman asked whether the Council provides training for residents and staff at Rushcliffe Borough sites in using defibrillators. The Strategic HR Manager advised that as part of the health and safety programme refresher training is provided at all of the Council’s sites and Lex Leisure also provide regular training which helps support cover within the Arena Council Offices. Sports providers are also encouraged to sign up to any training being provided to ensure they have adequate cover when using our community venues. In addition, the Group were informed that defibrillator locations were recorded on a national data base which is understood that East Midlands Ambulance has access to.


The Group congratulated officers for a positive report and expressed that the goal and objectives for next year were sensible and gave due regard to the issues arising from the past 12 months.


It was RESOLVED that the Corporate Overview Group:


a)    considered the detailed information contained within the annual Health and Safety Report


b)    noted the change  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10