14 Shaw Street Cemetery, Ruddington PDF 230 KB
The report of the Director – Development and Economic Growth is attached.
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It was RESOLVED that the closure of the Rushcliffe Borough Council owned cemetery , known as Shaw Street Cemetery, Ruddington be approved.
Councillor Brennan confirmed that this was a procedural matter to rectify a small administrative oversight. Cabinet was advised that the cemetery had been the Council’s responsibility since 1974, and it had been managed since then as a closed cemetery. Looking back through the records it had become apparent that no formal closure had been undertaken, with details of the background to the decision highlighted in paragraphs 4.2 to 4.7 of the report. Councillor Brennan advised that essentially the requirement was to agree that the cemetery was full, or otherwise impractical for use, and the formalities to do that were minimal. Cabinet noted that the site was assessed as being nearly full when it was transferred over in 1974, the plots were very hard to identify, with no plots sold since 1974. It was theoretically possible that someone could come forward with a valid grant of burial, and that could be accommodated; however, as time passed that was becoming less likely and Councillor Brennan confirmed that there was an alternative cemetery close by.
Councillor Upton agreed with Councillor Brennan’s comments and seconded the recommendation.
It was RESOLVED that the closure of the Rushcliffe Borough Council owned cemetery , known as Shaw Street Cemetery, Ruddington be approved.