47 Infrastructure Funding Statement PDF 250 KB
The report of the Director – Development and Economic Growth is attached.
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It was RESOLVED that the content of the 2021/22 Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement be acknowledged.
The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing, Councillor Upton, presented the report of the Director – Development and Economic Growth detailing the Council’s Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS).
Councillor Upton confirmed that it was a legal requirement to publish an annual IFS, which detailed the funds collected by the Council from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Section 106 Agreements (s106). The statement detailed funds collected up until 31 March 2022, when approximately £36m was held for s106 funding and £1.6m for CIL. Councillor Upton stated that although this was a considerable sum for s106, it should be noted those funds were primarily used for very large infrastructure projects, and as the funding was collected in phases, until it was all received, it could accumulate for a number of years before being spent. In respect of CIL money, Cabinet noted that this was first collected in late 2019, and much of that funding had already been spent.
In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Brennan stated that on occasion questions were raised and implied criticism given that the Council was not spending funds as quickly as it could, and it was pleasing that this statement clearly set out the true position and why some funding accumulated before being spent.
Councillor Robinson was pleased that those significant funds would ultimately be invested across the Borough, whilst acknowledging that it could be frustrating having to accumulate large sums in advance before work was undertaken. Councillor Robinson referred to the many schemes that had been funded by s106 money over the past 10 years and agreed that this statement answered many of the questions raised about the process. It was also noted that the majority of s106 funding was spent on infrastructure projects not within the Council’s control.
It was RESOLVED that the content of the 2021/22 Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement be acknowledged.