30 Update on the Insourcing of Streetwise PDF 265 KB
The report of the Director – Neighbourhoods is attached.
The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety, Councillor Inglis presented the report of the Director – Neighbourhoods providing an update on the insourcing of Streetwise.
Cabinet noted that the Business Plan to the insourcing was based on projected cost savings within the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy over three years, and Councillor Inglis referred to the pressures of the recent high rises in inflation, energy, fuel and pay, but advised that those increased costs would have still been present had Streetwise not been insourced. The financial progress would continue to be monitored and Councillor Inglis hoped that the current development of a chargeable discretionary service would enhance further income.
Councillor Inglis referred to the open and regular communication with staff, including the creation of a Staff Working Group, which had proved very successful, and it would continue, with all positive feedback being shared to encourage the drive towards even greater service quality.
Cabinet noted that assets have been reviewed and negotiated and where appropriate disposals had been made in the streamlining process, for example the leased secondary depot at Sproxton.
In conclusion Councillor Inglis considered that the insourcing process was working effectively and on track to meet all of the Council’s Corporate Priorities and thanked officers for their hard work during the transition period. Whilst visiting the depot and liaising with staff, Councillor Inglis was pleased to note that the move had been welcomed and supported by them.