79 ICT Strategy 2022 - 2025 PDF 317 KB
The report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services is attached.
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It was RESOLVED that the 2022-25 ICT Strategy be approved for adoption.
The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Finance and Customer Access, Councillor Moore, presented the report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services outlining the ICT Strategy for 2022 to 2025.
Councillor Moore confirmed that the current Strategy had expired this year, and stated that in terms of ICT, much had changed over the last few years, in particular how the Council worked following the Covid-19 pandemic, and it was therefore important that the Strategy was reviewed to ensure that the Council continued to improve the ways it did business, increase efficiency, flexibility and innovation, whilst remaining secure.
Cabinet noted that the Strategy would build on the strength from previous strategies and would focus on five strategic themes, details of which were highlighted in the report.
Councillor Moore referred to the Action Plan for the next three years, together with the financial resources required to implement the Plan, and highlighted the main actions required to deliver the core strategy objectives, details of which were highlighted in the Strategy, attached as an Appendix to the report. Cabinet was reminded that this was an emerging strategy, and things would change that would have an impact on the Action Plan and the Capital Programme.
In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Inglis reiterated the importance of the Council’s ongoing investment in its ICT provision, to ensure continuous improvement and efficiencies. Working practices had changed significantly due to the pandemic, and Cabinet was reminded how effectively the Council had dealt with those changes, and that would continue.
Councillor Inglis welcomed the proposed enhancement and update of the Council’s website planned for 2023, which would ensure an enhanced user experience.
Councillor Brennan thanked officers for producing an excellent document and in particular welcomed the incorporation of the ‘Think Green’ theme, which was often not thought about in conjunction with ICT provision.
Councillor Brennan also noted and welcomed the proposed update and upgrade of the Council’s website and advised that this was much needed to ensure that it was more user friendly and intuitive for the Council’s customers and residents.
Councillor Edyvean echoed previous comments, including the importance of ensuring that the website was kept up to date, providing easy access to Council services and was relevant to local residents.
It was RESOLVED that the 2022-25 ICT Strategy be approved for adoption.