56 Council Tax Resolution 2022/23 PDF 420 KB
The report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services is attached.
The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Customer Access, Councillor Moore presented the report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services outlining the Council’s position on Council Tax for the year 2022/23.
Councillor Moore confirmed that there was a statutory duty to approve the Council Tax for 2022/23, and this resolution reflected the consolidation of all the precepts for Nottinghamshire County Council, Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Nottinghamshire Fire Authority, parish and town councils and Rushcliffe Borough Council. Council noted that with the exception of the precept for the Fire Authority, Rushcliffe’s Council Tax remained the lowest in Nottinghamshire, with the details highlighted in the various tables in the Appendix to the report.
The Leader seconded the recommendation and reserved the right to speak.
Councillor Gowland advised that a week ago the Council Tax rise had been discussed at Nottinghamshire County Council, and since then a great deal had happened internationally, with the dreadful events in the Ukraine, and that would have an impact here, with increased energy and food prices. Councillor Gowland considered that previous plans should be rethought, there were mechanisms in place to try and alleviate hardship, including a £150 rebate, and given the great disparity in the country, it was unfair to add a further burden to those struggling the most. In respect of the rise to the West Bridgford Special Expenses, Councillor Gowland stated that she was particularly upset, and considered that although the rise may have been less in previous years; however, it was now that mattered. Councillor Gowland suggested that local MPs and the Secretary of State should be contacted to look at funding issues, that the Council should delay some of it capital investments, take funds from the reserve, and increase car parking and green bin charges, as those did not help everybody.
Councillor Jones agreed with the comments of the Labour Group and advised that the Liberal Democrat Party would be voting against the recommendation.
Councillor R Mallender advised that he would listen to the debate with interest before deciding on how to vote.
Councillor Thomas advised that the Independent Group would be supporting the recommendation, but not because the Council Tax would be the cheapest in the county.
Councillor Purdue Horan stated that he wished to align himself with some of the comments made by Councillor Moore in respect of the excellent work undertaken by officers and advised that this year in particular, in an attempt to try and mitigate the costs faced by households, the government had introduced a one off £150 discount, which he understood to be extremely difficult for officers to administer. Councillor Purdue-Horan stated that the extra effort being taken by officers to administer this discount was both noted and appreciated.
The Leader stated that Councillor Purdue-Horan was absolutely right regarding the huge amount of work involved in the administration of this rebate, particularly for officers who were already extremely busy; however it was important to remember that this funding had been made available to help ... view the full minutes text for item 56