Issue - meetings

Budget and Financial Strategy 2022/23

Meeting: 03/03/2022 - Council (Item 55)

55 2022/23 Budget and Financial Strategy pdf icon PDF 462 KB

The report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services is attached.

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The Mayor advised that she had been asked as Chairman of this meeting to consider extending the time period for proposing the 2022/23 Budget and Financial Strategy to 15 minutes.  The Mayor stated that she had also been asked to consider reducing the time for all other speeches on reports and motions from10 minutes to five minutes for the mover of the report/motion, and three minutes for the responder.


The Mayor confirmed that she was happy to approve and support the request.


The Leader and Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Borough Wide Leadership, Councillor Robinson presented the report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services outlining the Council’s Financial Strategy and Budget for 2022/23.


The Leader stated that he felt both very fortunate and privileged to be commending this budget to Council, after speaking with many other leaders from councils that were facing cuts, closures, redundancies, and debt.  The budget before Council tonight was ambitious, fair, balanced, prudent, and predicated on those principles.


In respect of ambition, the Leader advised that there were very few other councils that were delivering over £28m in capital investment, including projects such as the crematorium, the Bingham Hub and leisure centre, together with plans for the new community centre at Sharphill.  Council was reminded of the importance of the green agenda, which had seen the Climate Change budget topped up to £1m and a new reserve of £1m for the vehicle replacement budget.  The Development Corporation, which was a key vehicle to deliver jobs and investment in tangent with the Freeport would see continued investment.  The new office space at Bingham was being developed, to encourage much needed employment.  Reference was made to the Asset Investment Strategy, which had delivered over £2m of revenue to the Borough and to the previous redevelopment of Cotgrave town centre, which continued to deliver fantastic community facilities and employment.  It was noted that the Asset Investment Strategy had been so successful that it now delivered over a 5% return to the Council and represented 25% of its revenue.


In respect of fairness, the Leader stated that he was proud that the Council continued to focus on the disadvantaged and those on low incomes, with projects including the Reach Project, which had touched so many people’s lives.  For the first time, over £1m had been set aside for a new traveller’s site, which it was hoped would reduce incursions on to land, fulfil the Council’s legal obligations and provide a fit for purpose site.  Council noted that there would be a freeze on car parking fees and green bin charges.  £438k would be put towards combating homelessness, £320k towards housing benefits and over £5.5m for affordable housing provision, and the Leader stated that he was very proud of Rushcliffe’s excellent record in respect of building affordable housing.  Over £770k green energy grants had been delivered in East Leake, which had made such a wonderful difference to people’s lives, as did the £300k for Hound Road Lodge, which  ...  view the full minutes text for item 55