63 Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document PDF 337 KB
The report of the Director – Development and Economic Growth is attached.
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The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Business and Growth, Councillor Edyvean, presented the report of the Director – Development and Economic Growth, providing an update on the Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
Councillor Edyvean advised that the SPD formed an important part of Rushcliffe’s Local Plan, and a draft of the SPD had been presented to the Local Development Framework Group (LDFG) in March 2021, prior to being put out to public consultation. Following that consultation, a number of revisions had been made and Cabinet noted that those revisions had been agreed by the LDFG in December 2021.
Councillor Edyvean stated that the document defined the levels of affordable housing the Council wished to be delivered across the Borough, with a target of 30% in most areas, although in areas that already had higher levels of affordable housing, the target would be reduced to 20% and 10%.
Cabinet was reminded of the importance of ensuring that properties were affordable, and within the recommendation that was being addressed by an amendment to the discount required on designated affordable housing for sale or part ownership, in line with recent house price data and by using a salary multiplier of four times salary to help determine affordability.
In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Moore referred to the importance of this document in giving clear guidance to anyone involved in the delivery of affordable housing and welcomed the revisions.
Councillor Robinson stated that he was very proud of Rushcliffe’s excellent record in respect of building affordable housing and advised that this document would form an important part of the guidance going forward as more homes were built and made available.