Issue - meetings

Climate Change Strategy

Meeting: 14/12/2021 - Cabinet (Item 47)

47 Climate Change Strategy 2021-2030 pdf icon PDF 315 KB

The report of the Director – Neighbourhoods is attached.

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It was RESOLVED that:


a)               the Climate Change Strategy 2021-2030 be adopted as a Strategy of the Council;


b)               the Director – Neighbourhoods be granted delegated authority to make minor revisions to the Strategy, including an amendment to the introduction of the document, to reflect the wording contained in the Biodiversity chapter related to the ecological crisis, to ensure it meets the Council’s objectives; and


c)                the Council’s commitment to work in partnership to ensure that the Borough of Rushcliffe will be Net Zero for its emissions by 2050 be confirmed, in line with National Government’s Net Zero targets.


The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Communities and Climate Change, Councillor Brennan presented the report of the Director – Neighbourhoods outlining the new Climate Change Strategy 2021-2030.


In bringing this report to Cabinet, Councillor Brennan advised that this was the Council’s overarching Strategy, which would be a public facing document, bringing policies and plans together that set out the Council’s corporate ambitions and leadership role across the Borough.  Cabinet noted that adopting the Strategy would provide a clear demonstration of how the Council would work with partners to deliver its ambition to make Rushcliffe a carbon neutral Borough by 2050, and for its operational services to be carbon neutral by 2030.   


Councillor Brennan referred to recommendation b) in the report and reminded Cabinet that at the last Full Council meeting, the very strong commitment to deliver the Council’s Nature Conservation Strategy had been reiterated.  Cabinet noted that the Strategy contained a chapter on Biodiversity, which recognised the ecological crisis faced by the planet, and by reflecting on the discussion at the Council meeting, Councillor Brennan proposed that the wording to the introduction of the Strategy be amended.  The amendment would recognise that there was both a climate emergency and an ecological crisis, and it would ensure that the commitments as set out in the Biodiversity chapter received joint attention with the Council’s climate change ambitions, as both were inextricably linked and had to be tackled together.      


Councillor Brennan proposed the recommendations in the report and requested that the Director – Neighbourhoods be asked to amend the introduction of the Strategy to reflect the wording contained in the Biodiversity chapter related to the ecological crisis.   


In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Inglis referred to the universal commitment of Councillors and officers to address the environmental and ecological challenges faced by the planet.  Cabinet was reminded that the new Strategy would provide the framework for the Council’s ambitious programme going forward, with dates in place to become carbon neutral, and it was hoped that with continued action and commitment, those targets could be achieved earlier than 2030 and 2050.


Councillor Inglis referred to the Council’s excellent record in the delivery of numerous eco-friendly projects, including the construction of the new Bingham Leisure Centre and the Crematorium, together with the free tree scheme, and plans to reduce vehicle emissions by up to 90%.


In conclusion, Councillor Inglis reiterated the need to tackle the ongoing crisis facing the planet and welcomed the adoption of this Strategy, which would continue to be regularly reviewed by the Communities Scrutiny Group.


Councillor Moore reiterated the importance of everyone supporting this Strategy, confirmed that it had been built into the budget process and reminded Cabinet that there was a substantial £1m Climate Change Reserve budget, together with a £50k grant scheme approved for tree and wildflower planting.

The Leader endorsed the comments made by Councillor Brennan, noting that the amendment would reflect the debate at Full Council, and highlighted a quote from the Strategy, which emphasised the importance of “us  ...  view the full minutes text for item 47