45 Streetwise Annual Report 2021 PDF 215 KB
The report of the Chief Executive is attached.
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It was RESOLVED that the Streetwise Annual report 2020-21 be approved and comments made by the Governance Scrutiny Group be noted.
The Leader, Councillor Robinson presented the report of the Chief Executive outlining the annual report of Streetwise Enterprises Ltd and Streetwise Enterprises Trading Ltd, both of which were wholly owned companies of Rushcliffe Borough Council.
The Leader advised that the annual report had been considered by the Governance Scrutiny Group, with details of the issues raised outlined in 4.1 of the report. Cabinet was advised that the Group had not raised any serious concerns regarding its governance or its status as a going concern, with the exception that its membership should be reviewed.
Cabinet noted that there was a core contract of £1.77m in place with the Council, and that would be up for renewal in the summer of 2022.
The Leader referred to the very challenging circumstances faced by the business over the past two years and acknowledged the work of the Managing Director and his team for keeping the business running and overcoming those challenges. Cabinet noted the Managing Director’s report and detailed operational information outlined in the appendix, together with the audited accounts for 2021.
In conclusion, the Leader reiterated that the Governance Scrutiny Group had acknowledged the excellent service that Streetwise had provided for this period, and with the contract due for renewal next year, Cabinet noted that this would be a very important period for Streetwise. There would be challenges ahead, such as reducing its carbon footprint and a review of assets, including its vehicle fleet, which it was acknowledged would be expensive.
In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Edyvean welcomed the positive feedback from the Governance Scrutiny Group, and that it had highlighted the need to strengthen Board membership, and the necessity for Streetwise to continue to deliver both as a financially sound entity and an essential service provider to the Council was noted.
It was RESOLVED that the Streetwise Annual report 2020-21 be approved and comments made by the Governance Scrutiny Group be considered.