Issue - meetings

Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Compact

Meeting: 14/09/2021 - Cabinet (Item 23)

23 Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Compact pdf icon PDF 169 KB

The report of the Director – Neighbourhoods is attached.

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It was RESOLVED that the adoption of the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Compact be approved.


The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Communities and Climate Change, Councillor Brennan presented the report of the Director – Neighbourhoods outlining the new Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Compact, which had been developed by the Local Resilience Forum and Nottinghamshire County Council for adoption by relevant public authorities to build on the successful response by the voluntary and community sectors during the Covid-19 pandemic.    


Councillor Brennan referred to the superb work undertaken by a range of voluntary and community sectors during this difficult period, with new and stronger relationships forged between those sectors and public bodies, and it seemed appropriate that this was now built upon through this public Compact.  Cabinet noted that the Compact set out the shared values and principles, and supported the long term effort to effective working relationships.


Councillor Brennan confirmed that the Compact had been developed in collaboration with the sector, led and approved by Nottinghamshire County Council, and now all Councils across the county were being invited to approve the Compact.


In conclusion, Councillor Brennan reiterated the importance of local, voluntary and community groups in delivering support and services to local residents, particularly the elderly and vulnerable, and Cabinet was advised that the Compact accorded well with the work undertaken by the Council, details of which were highlighted in the report. 


In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Inglis stated that the Compact effectively set out its values and principles, to provide guidance and best practice to help strengthen partnership working between public sector organisations and community groups.  Cabinet noted that it was timely to positively reflect on the fantastic work and collaboration that had taken place during the pandemic, particularly to help the most vulnerable in the Borough.     


Councillor Edyvean supported the previous comments and referred to the positive track record the Council had in supporting local, voluntary groups and stated that it was prudent for the Council to align itself with this Compact document.


It was RESOLVED that the adoption of the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Compact be approved.