18 Ruddington Neighbourhood Plan PDF 324 KB
The report of the Director – Development and Economic Growth is attached.
The Portfolio Holder for Business and Growth, Councillor Edyvean presented the report of the Director – Development and Economic Growth, providing information on the Ruddington Neighbourhood Plan. Councillor Edyvean advised that the documents had been introduced by the Localism Act 2011 and were recognised by the National Planning Policy Framework, with local residents empowered to shape the future of their community. A plan had to in general conform with the strategic policies of the local planning authority and if the plan was made part of the Local Development Plan, then planning applications within that area would be determined in accordance with both the Rushcliffe Local Plan and the relevant Neighbourhood Plan. The Plan had been promoted by the Parish Council, publicised, consulted on, examined by an independent Examiner and considered by the Borough Council. If the Plan was approved, it would then proceed to a referendum and if more than 50% of those voting voted “yes” then the Borough Council was required to “adopt” the Plan. If the result was “no”, then the Parish Council would have to decide what it wanted to do.
Councillor Inglis, in seconding the recommendations, stressed the importance of an adopted Neighbourhood Plan to support communities wishing to influence development in their local area. The Ruddington Neighbourhood Plan was an excellent and detailed Plan and the community deserve the opportunity to adopt this through a referendum.
Councillor Gaunt recognised the massive effort behind the detailed Plan and thanked the Neighbourhood Planning team in Ruddington for their time. He extended this thanks to the parish councillors and volunteers who had spent the last four years consulting and engaging with the community to shape the document. The Neighbourhood Plan could not have come at better time for Ruddington where the community had really come together over the last twelve months through the pandemic to support local residents and businesses.
Councillor Major recognised the time, energy and passion of local people in Ruddington and their desire to influence the future of their community.
Both Councillors R Mallender and Thomas congratulated the community on an excellent Neighbourhood Plan and wished them luck at the polls.
RESOLVED that, subject to a majority vote in the referendum:
a) the Ruddington Neighbourhood Plan be adopted; and
b) that the Director – Development and Economic Growth be granted delegated authority to issue a statement setting out this decision as soon as possible following the referendum.