Issue - meetings

Annual Fraud Report

Meeting: 24/06/2021 - Governance Scrutiny Group (Item 6)

6 Annual Fraud Report pdf icon PDF 444 KB

The report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services is attached.


Mr Gurpreet Dulay, from BDO, the Council’s internal auditor presented the Annual Fraud Report, which provided an overview of general and specific fraud related issues that had arisen at the Council during 2020/21.


Mr Dulay advised that there had been no allegations of fraud and no whistleblowing concerns reported during 2020/21.  The Group was advised that as part of the Internal Audit Plan for 2020/21, BDO had undertaken an audit assurance over claims relating to the Small Business Grant Fund, and the audit had identified no potential fraud concerns.  Mr Dulay referred to the National Fraud Initiative exercise, which was undertaken every two years, with one related to Council Tax Single Person Discount, and the results of that exercise were highlighted in the report. The Group noted that staff had recently undertaken fraud awareness training, and had been asked to complete a survey, the results of which were very encouraging.


Members raised a concern that there was no information available from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) regarding potential Housing Benefit fraud and asked if the Group could be updated when any data was received. 


The Director – Finance and Corporate Services advised that due to Covid, the DWP was extremely busy and it was hoped that information would be available for this report next year.  


Members referred to the greatest areas of perceived fraud risk highlighted in the report related to procurement and Council Tax Single Person Discount and noted that there was little reference in the report to procurement risk and sought reassurance that this was being appropriately monitored.


Mr Dulay confirmed that this was a national issue and in 2021/22, Internal Audit would be undertaking a full review programme as part of the forthcoming audit programme. 


The Chairman noted the positive completion rate and responses received to the staff survey, details of which were highlighted in the report, and was reassured that this highlighted the level of overall staff awareness regarding fraud detection.


It was RESOLVED that the Annual Fraud Report for 2020/21 be noted.