Issue - meetings


Meeting: 09/03/2021 - Cabinet (Item 57)

57 Use of Fireworks at Borough Council Events pdf icon PDF 382 KB

The report of the Executive Manager – Communities is attached.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)    the discontinuation of the use of loud fireworks at Council events be approved; and


b)    the launch of a public communications campaign to encourage external event operators and residents to adopt the Council’s approach to use of fireworks.


The Portfolio Holder for Community and the Environment, Councillor Brennan presented the report of the Executive Manager – Communities providing an update on the future use of fireworks at Borough Council events.


Councillor Brennan referred to the previous resolution by Council to investigate the future use of fireworks at Council events, with a report subsequently being considered by the Communities Scrutiny Group (CSG) in August 2020, when the Group considered the Council’s own use of fireworks, together with how the Council could have a role in promoting responsible use.  Cabinet was advised that although many people enjoyed traditional fireworks and the associated loud noise, the increase in the use of fireworks and the distress that it caused to many people and to both domestic and wild animals, had to be recognised, particularly given the unpredictability of events taking place.  Councillor Brennan confirmed that the Council only used fireworks at one event at the Christmas lights switch on in West Bridgford, and that event had never received any complaints.  Notwithstanding that, the CSG was asked to consider three options, details of which were highlighted in the report, and it was agreed that option to discontinue the use of loud fireworks at Council events would be the best approach.  Councillor Brennan advised that in conjunction with that, the Council would support the launch of a public communications campaign to encourage others to take the same approach.   


In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Inglis agreed with previous comments and referred to the stress caused by loud fireworks, particularly given the lack of control that people had, when fireworks were used by others.  Councillor Inglis agreed that the use of quieter fireworks would benefit many people and animals, and it was the best approach that the Council could take to ensure that everyone could enjoy the spectacle, and it was hoped that by adopting this approach, others in the Borough would follow.  


Councillor Moore referred to the anxiety and upset caused to people by the unexpected use of fireworks by others, and it was hoped that the proposed campaign would encourage people to be more thoughtful to others.


Councillor Robinson referred to the importance of the Council in influencing and educating others to take a more thoughtful and responsible approach to using fireworks.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)    the discontinuation of the use of load fireworks at Council events be approved; and


b)    the launch of a public communications campaign to encourage external event operators and residents to adopt the Council’s approach to use of fireworks.