36 Impact of Covid19 on Risk PDF 254 KB
Report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services.
Additional documents:
The Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services delivered a report that updated the Group on risk activities following the September 2019 update. In addition, The Executive Manager - Finance and Corporate Services advised that risks in the Council’s Risk Register have changed and a number of risks have been altered in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services advised that there are currently 37 corporate risks and 26 operational risks, adding that the number of risks within the register do fluctuate throughout the year due to changing pressures facing local government, and the proactive work of managers to identify risks as they emerge, which demonstrates the Council’s aim to be proactive to mitigate risk as soon as it’s identified.
The Executive Manager - Finance and Corporate Services asked the Group to consider 20 changes to the risk register as a result of recent Risk Management Group discussions. These changes included 13 proposed increases to risk ratings and 7 reductions to risk ratings.
In addition to these changes the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services advised the Group of a further 10 new risks in response to Covid-19. The new risks are:
· Impact of Covid-19 on the Council’s budget
· Impact of Covid-19 on the Borough’s high streets
· Ability of high streets to implement the necessary safety measures
· Impact of Covid-19 on the Borough’s leisure facilities and their ability to
recover whilst consumer confidence is uncertain
· Ongoing impact of Covid-19 on the Borough’s leisure facilities whilst
operating within the Covid-secure guidelines
· Ability of the Borough Council to maintain frontline services in the event of
a second wave of Covid-19
· Failure to manage a Local Lockdown
· Increased risk of domestic abuse or neglect involving children
· Increased risk of Anti-Social Behaviour
· Increased number of residents presenting as homeless
· Lack of emergency accommodation for those at risk of homelessness
Members accepted the need to make changes in respect of the pressures facing local government and the Council’s response to Covid-19. However, members requested that more detail could be provided with regards to risk mitigation and look to prevent risks from escalating.
The Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services agreed that more information could be reported to Governance Scrutiny, explaining that officers were mindful of providing too much detail. In addition, the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services directed members to the training session on Risk Management scheduled for September that will provide support members to acquire a better understanding of the topic.
The Risk Management Strategy and the Training Session in September will enable further discussion on the subject.
It was RESOLVED that:
a) The Group note the report in relation to existing risks.
b) The Group approve the new risks in response to the global Covid-19 pandemic and the risk ratings awarded to them.