Issue - meetings

Information About the effect of Covid 19 on current performance levels

Meeting: 07/07/2020 - Corporate Overview Group (Item 7)

7 The effect of Covid-19 on current performance levels pdf icon PDF 479 KB

The report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services is attached.


The Service Manager – Finance and Corporate Services presented the report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services which detailed the very early impacts of Covid19 on Council business. It was noted that out of 57 performance indicators, 36 were impacted by the outbreak of Covid19. The Service Manager explained that despite the negative impact on performance, staff were able to be resilient and some were redeployed to help other service areas where work levels had increased such as refuse collections and distributing grants to businesses.


The Group thanked Rushcliffe Borough Council staff for working efficiently during the Covid19 pandemic. The Group were pleased that refuse collections remained at full capacity. However, the Group did raise concerns that only £50k in discretionary grants had been allocated to businesses even though the Borough was awarded £927,000. It was explained that the money not allocated would be transferred back to central government and the Group agreed to pass on details of grants available to residents.


The Service Manager – Finance and Corporate Services updated the Group on the possibility of the Council delivering hybrid meetings. It was noted that the ICT Manager was working on a solution for the Council to install the relevant technology for hybrid meetings to be held successfully by September 2020 if the current regulations prohibiting hybrid meetings are lifted before then.


It was RESOLVED that


The report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services be noted.