Issue - meetings

Constitution Update

Meeting: 30/07/2020 - Governance Scrutiny Group (Item 33)

33 Constitution Update pdf icon PDF 138 KB

The report of the Monitoring Officer is attached.

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The Monitoring Officer presented a report that sets out opportunities for Governance Scrutiny Group to consider the Council’s Constitution and explained that the constitution provides the framework for the Council’s Decision Making process and rules of procedure, adding that the council should review its constitution annually. The Monitoring Officer advised that the most recent review concentrated on the public speaking protocol and the Councillor Code of Conduct.


The Monitoring Officer provided a table, that highlighted sections that maybe appropriate for review, including; Decision Making, Responsibility for Functions Motions, Standing Orders Relating to Contracts and Member Code of Conduct.


Members welcomed the opportunity to review parts of the constitution and were keen to look at motions, in particular the number permitted, expressing this should not be limited to three, management of scope and the length of speeches need to be considered.


Members also suggested a clearer understanding of delegated decisions and whether Task and Finish Groups or Member Development Groups could be established, to examine decisions in line with the Asset Management Plan. 


The Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services advised the Group that the Asset Investment Strategy is under the Scheme of Delegation for the Executive Manager – Transformation, and confirmed this was agreed at Council a number of years ago.


The Chairman requested the Review of the Council’s Constitution be an item on the agenda for the next meeting of Governance Scrutiny and invited members to provide the Monitoring Officer with suggestions.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)    Members of the Group consider the suggestions for review of the Constitution set out in the Monitoring Officers report


b)    Members of the Group consider other sections of the Constitution


c)     The Group recommends amendments that are appropriate for adoption by Full Council