6 Finance and Performance Management Q4 PDF 398 KB
The report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services is attached.
Additional documents:
The Financial Services Manager presented the report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services which outlined the quarter four position in terms of financial and performance monitoring for 2019/20. It was noted that the draft Statement of Accounts had been prepared and was approved by the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services by 9 June 2020.
The Financial Services Manager explained that due to additional work pressures as a result of Covid19, the approval of the draft accounts was only nine days later than planned and was within the statutory deadlines which have been extended, to 30 August 2020, as a result of the Covid19 pandemic with approval of the audited statements now 30 November 2020.
It was noted that the net revenue position shows a transfer to reserves of £1.348m a net increase of £1.151m and equivalent to 10% of the net budget. It was explained that the majority of the transfer was the distribution of the Nottinghamshire Pool Surplus (of £0.409m which is partially offset by the growth payment to the pool) and the realised increase in renewable energy business rates from 2018/19 (0.381m). The remaining transfer (£0.619m) was from revenue efficiencies reported throughout the year mainly due to additional planning income, increased investment income, car park receipts and rental income from investment properties.
The Service Manager – Finance and Corporate Services asked the Group to comment on the monitored tasks which were outlined in the Corporate Strategy and the performance measures within the Corporate Scorecard. The Group were asked to bear in mind that this report focuses on performance information up to the end of March 2020 and that data relating to quarter one of the current year will be reported at the next meeting of the Group.
It was noted that performance of the tasks and measures within the strategic scorecard had been positive, with five tasks completing within the first twelve months including the relocation of the Rushcliffe Customer Services Centre and the establishment of a carbon neutral target. It was explained that of the 31 performance indicators, five have not met their target mainly due the result of the Covid19 pandemic and that this dip in performance will continue into at least the first quarter of the new year.
The Service Manager – Finance and Corporate Services explained that indicators that had not met their targets included the percentage of planning enforcement inspections carried out in target time due to one of the Enforcement Officers being on long-term absence due to a health issue and being unable to carry out inspections due to the Covid19 pandemic. Another performance indicator which had not met its target was the number of pavilion, community hall and playing field users due to a period of bad weather and the outbreak of the Covid19 pandemic.
It was RESOLVED that:
a) The report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services be noted
b) The 2019/20 revenue position and the efficiencies identified in the report ... view the full minutes text for item 6