5 Consideration of Scrutiny Group Work Programmes PDF 459 KB
The report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services is attached
Corporate Overview Group
It was agreed that the meeting arranged for the Corporate Overview Group on 4 August would be cancelled and that the item ‘customer feedback annual report’ would instead be discussed at the next scheduled meeting on 22 September 2020.
It was also agreed that the consideration of the future of scrutiny would be discussed at the Corporate Overview Group meetings in September and December 2020. The Group would then make recommendations which would be presented to Cabinet and Council for approval in January and March 2021.
Governance Scrutiny Group
It was agreed that the next meeting would review the impact of Covid19 on risks and that the Risk Management Strategy for 2020 – 2023 would be brought to the following meeting.
Growth and Development Scrutiny Group
The Chairman of the Growth and Development Scrutiny Group stated that the item ‘customer service and digital transformation’ which was due to be discussed at the Group’s next meeting in July 2020 would be postponed to a later date as more detailed information was required. It was also agreed that business support and the economic recovery of Rushcliffe due to the impact of Covid19 would be discussed at the Group’s meeting in July.
Communities Scrutiny Group
It was noted that the Communities Scrutiny Group’s work programme would include a review of the Council’s use of fireworks at events in August 2020 following on from the motion considered at Council in March 2020. The Group raised concerns that those of black and minority ethnic backgrounds had been disproportionately affected by the Covid19 pandemic and therefore, the Council’s equality scheme would be scrutinised by the Group in August 2020.
It was suggested that provision of cycle paths within the Borough could be a topic for scrutiny. However, it was decided that more facts were required before it could be approved as a topic for discussion. It was agreed that a verbal update be delivered at Corporate Overview Group’s next meeting in order for it to be decided if the topic would be discussed in greater detail in 2021.
It was RESOLVED that:
a) the work programmes as outlined in the report be approved.
The Corporate Overview Group be provided with a verbal update of the Borough’s provision of cycle paths at their next meeting.