63 Delegated Decisions for Covid-19 PDF 430 KB
The report of the Chief Executive is attached.
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It was RESOLVED that
a) the decisions made under delegated urgency provisions as set out in paragraph 4.3 of the report be endorsed and that these should be exempted from call in on the grounds of urgency at the time the decision was made, and not subsequently;
b) that a variation to the Parkwood/Lex leisure contract be negotiated, to cover the period when leisure centres have to remain closed due to Covid-19 and the Section 151 Officer (in consultation with the Monitoring Officer) be granted delegated authority to agree the contract variation;
c) a report with recommendations on the future contractual arrangements and the variation with Parkwood/Lex Leisure be submitted to a future Cabinet meeting;
d) the Council Tax Support grant policy paper (Appendix 1) to be endorsed by Full Council (as part of a revised Covid-19 Budget later in the year) be agreed; and
e) the potential Discretionary Business Rates Grant Fund broad parameters (Appendix 3) be noted and once final guidance is received from central government, the delegation of completing Rushcliffe’s final discretionary scheme to the portfolio holders for Finance and Business and Transformation; and the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services be approved.
The Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Borough Wide Leadership presented the report of the Chief Executive outlining the Council’s activities to deal with the impacts of Covid-19.
The Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Borough Wide Leadership stated that the report highlighted the urgent decisions that have been made by the Chief Executive, through delegated authority, in collaboration with the Leader and the relevant Portfolio Holder. The report reflected the severity of the crisis and the legislative powers put in place under the Coronavirus Act to enable virtual meetings to take place. This Cabinet meeting was the first virtual meeting, and it was not anticipated that the circumstances which had necessitated urgent delegated decision-making would continue in the same way.
The Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Borough Wide Leadership referred to the list of decisions taken which were detailed in the report and had been split into operational and urgent decisions. The report also highlighted the closure of the various leisure centres around the Borough, which were operated by Lex/Parkwood Leisure. Due to the nature of the leisure business and the closure of the facilities, Parkwood had requested financial assistance and that had been agreed at £106k per month, which would amount to £357k for three months. At the Cabinet meeting on 10 March 2020, it had been agreed to vary the Parkwood contract and that would now have to be reviewed following the three-month period. The Council would continue to review both the contract and payments as it received Government advice regarding opening and managing leisure facilities. The report referred to the Council Tax Support Grant allocation of £515k and highlighted the important principle that the funding had been allocated to those most in need and that had been the underpinning principle across all the Council’s funding to residents and businesses. Details of the Business Rates Discretionary Grant were included in the report, with delegated authority to the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services and the Portfolio Holders for Finance and Business and Transformation. The report referred to the Coronavirus Act and Council meetings, highlighting that the Council was now able to hold virtual meetings until May 2021. The Council’s Constitution would be updated and considered at full Council in July 2020, to reflect those requirements going forward. Interim arrangements to continue with planning have been put in place and were detailed in the report, with the first virtual Planning Committee on 14 May 2020.
In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Mason thanked the Chief Executive and officers for their hard work and diligence. Over the last few weeks, so much had happened and Rushcliffe had acted very quickly to take action. The Government was constantly reviewing procedures as was the Council and further changes would affect how the Council worked in the future.
The Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Borough Wide Leadership asked that the Chief Executive pass on his thanks to all employees. Councillors, residents and businesses were hugely appreciative of their work and effort and how ... view the full minutes text for item 63