65 Draft Character Appraisal and Proposed Conservation Area for Cropwell Bishop PDF 163 KB
The report of the Executive Manager – Communities is attached
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It is RESOLVED that
a) the village of Cropwell Bishop would appear to possess qualities of special architectural and historic interest which would warrant its designation as a conservation area under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990;
b) the Draft Conservation Area Character Appraisal and proposed conservation area boundary be approved for the purposes of public consultation, to last a period of 21 days and to include a public consultation event held in the village (timing of consultation and event will be influenced by any restrictions arising from the Coronavirus Pandemic); and
c) a subsequent report following public consultation which may include a recommendation for the formal adoption of a revised conservation area character appraisal and for the designation of a conservation area for Cropwell Bishop be submitted to a future Cabinet meeting.
The Portfolio Holder for Housing presented the report of the Executive Manager - Communities requesting approval to commence formal public engagement for the purposes of designating a new Conservation Area for the village of Cropwell Bishop.
The Portfolio Holder for Housing stated that for areas, which fulfilled the criteria, the local authority had a statutory duty to designate them as Conservation Areas. Following representation from the Cropwell Bishop Village Heritage Group, local residents, the Parish Council and local Councillors, various meetings have taken place and in accordance with best practice, a draft Character Appraisal had been produced. The next step would be for Cabinet to agree the principle of a Conservation Area for Cropwell Bishop and to approve the draft Character Appraisal and to agree to a public consultation. Following that consultation, any comments would be considered and a Management Plan produced, before a further report was submitted to Cabinet requesting a formal adoption.
In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Inglis referred to the unique and historical features of Cropwell Bishop and the importance of this designation. All parties involved were thanked for their hard work and diligence and it was hoped that the consultation would reflect the same desire and enthusiasm that the project had generated. It was hoped that Cabinet would be able to support the positive outcome in the near future.
Councillor Robinson referred to the importance of this for Cropwell Bishop and noted the value of Conservation Areas to other villages in Rushcliffe and the advantages they gave in helping to preserve the character of an area.
Councillor Moore, as Ward Councillor referred to the hard work and determination of the Heritage Group in bringing this forward and thanked the Service Manager, Communities, Planning and Growth and Conservation Officers for their hard work and support.
It is RESOLVED that
a) the village of Cropwell Bishop would appear to possess qualities of special architectural and historic interest which would warrant its designation as a conservation area under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990;
b) the Draft Conservation Area Character Appraisal and proposed conservation area boundary be approved for the purposes of public consultation, to last a period of 21 days and to include a public consultation event held in the village (timing of consultation and event will be influenced by any restrictions arising from the Coronavirus Pandemic); and
c) a subsequent report following public consultation which may include a recommendation for the formal adoption of a revised conservation area character appraisal and for the designation of a conservation area for Cropwell Bishop be submitted to a future Cabinet meeting.