Issue - meetings

Consideration of Scrutiny Group Work Programmes

Meeting: 25/02/2020 - Corporate Overview Group (Item 30)

30 Consideration of Scrutiny Group Work Programmes pdf icon PDF 243 KB

The report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services is attached.

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The Chairman noted that the purpose of scrutiny was to make recommendations to the Cabinet, raise the concerns of residents, and monitor the progress of the corporate strategy and to hold the executive to account.

It was suggested that corporate sickness be scrutinised as it was identified by the Personnel Committee at Nottinghamshire County Council that Rushcliffe Borough Council’s corporate sickness had increased. The Group were keen to look into approaches to improve the wellbeing of its officers. The Service Manager – Finance and Corporate Services advised that the scrutiny matrix should be completed before it be considered for scrutiny and that the Group should consider whether the topic was considered as an exception in the performance management agenda item which was due to be discussed later in the meeting.

It was noted that the Growth and Development Scrutiny Group would be unable to meet the developer for the Abbey Road site as contracts had not yet been signed. It was also stated that the Communities Scrutiny Group were waiting on government proposals on local authorities’ approach to waste and the financial implications that the Council could face.

Potential topics for scrutiny which were considered included:

·       Dog Fouling: It was agreed that this topic would be scrutinised by the Communities Scrutiny Group and would be discussed over two meetings with similar topics such as fly tipping and littering. It was suggested that this could be an opportunity to introduce public engagement to scrutiny such as surveys so that the Group could identity ‘hot spots’ for dog fouling, littering and fly tipping.


·       The Management of Open Spaces: It was noted that this topic was suggested by Councillor Lesley Way who explained that residents who were paying a management fee to developers were confused about the rights of others using open spaces which was causing conflicts in the area. It was agreed that the topic would be discussed over two meetings by the Growth and Development Scrutiny Group.


·       Flooding assessment and drainage: It was noted that over 100 houses had become flooded over the last six months which meant that this topic was a high level of public concern. The Group agreed that the Council should be more proactive instead of reactive and should question why new developments were being built on flood plains. It was suggested that the Council’s partners should be invited to scrutiny to be held accountable such as the drainage board and the environment agency.


·       Strategic employment sites: It was suggested that if this topic was scrutinised, more information needed to be provided from the D2N2 LEP and that they be asked what support they provided to small businesses and whether the services they were providing were required. It was agreed that a new matrix be developed and that the D2N2 LEP be considered for a future topic of scrutiny.


·       It was agreed that due to concerns from residents, the process of planning enforcement would be scrutinised by the Growth and Development Scrutiny Group.


·       It was agreed that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30