Issue - meetings

East Midlands Development Corporation

Meeting: 05/03/2020 - Council (Item 58)

58 East Midlands Development Corporation pdf icon PDF 188 KB

The report of the Chief Executive is attached.

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The Leader and Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Borough Wide Leadership, Councillor Robinson presented the report of the Chief Executive providing an update on the current position with regard to the East Midlands Development Corporation.


Councillor Robinson referred to the Midlands Engine Development Corporation, which had been allocated funding in 2018 of £2m.  Over the past two years, supported by the Chief Executive, he had sat on the Oversight Board. This related to the Government bringing decision-making and resources to the East Midlands, with three key geographical areas involved, including the Ratcliffe on Soar power station in Rushcliffe.  It was therefore vital that the Council participated in this development and played a key role. The majority of members had attended briefings from the Chief Executive of Nottinghamshire County Council and were aware of the direction being taken.  A Business Case setting out preferred options would be submitted to Government in March 2020, if accepted legislation was anticipated by 2022.  The report recognised the Development Corporation and its importance for Rushcliffe, with £100K allocated in the Reserve Fund in case of any required expenditure. It was proposed to establish a Member Working Group to be regularly advised on the progress of the Development Corporation over the next two years, during the interim delivery period. 


The report was moved by Councillor Robinson.


In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Butler stated that it was an exciting proposal, and it was important to encourage employment opportunities. It was essential that the Council was part of the Development Corporation and embrace future development and change.  


Councillor Gray stated that the Labour Group supported the recommendation and looked forward to future investment and job opportunities.


Councillor Jones stated that the Liberal Democrat Group supported the recommendation and hoped that when the power station site was decommissioned it would be used to develop alternative energy supplies.


Councillor Richard Mallender stated that the Green Group would be supporting the recommendation and hoped that in future the power station could be used to produce renewable energy.  Provision of employment and housing was pleasing, as was the proposal for the provision of a ‘Green Highway’ between the three sites and he looked forward with interest to seeing those plans. In respect of the airport, it would be necessary to reduce the amount of freight transported by air and seek alternative ways to move it by developing the railway infrastructure. 


Councillor Thomas stated that the main concern of the Independent Group was that the Development Corporation would be subject to delay and the Council was urged to continue to work closely with Uniper regarding the future development of the power station site.


Councillor Rex Walker referred to the lack of investment in the East Midlands compared to other regions, which had historically resulted in the region being unable to attract the investment required for long lasting economic development. Such current opportunities were rare, action had to be taken, and the proposals were welcomed. If the proposals went ahead, there  ...  view the full minutes text for item 58