Issue - meetings

Corporate Strategy

Meeting: 19/09/2019 - Council (Item 29)

29 Corporate Strategy 2019-2023 pdf icon PDF 148 KB

The report of the Chief Executive is attached.

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The Leader and Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Borough Wide Leadership, Councillor Robinson presented the report of the Chief Executive outlining the draft Rushcliffe Borough Council Corporate Strategy for 2019-2023.


Councillor Robinson advised that the draft document had been reviewed by both the Cabinet and the Corporate Overview Group. The current Strategy was due to expire in March 2020; however, so many targets had already been achieved that it was considered prudent to revise the document.


Councillor Robinson confirmed that the Strategy had been constructed as a living strategy and encompassed a number of commitments under four corporate priorities; quality of life, efficient services, sustainable growth and the environment. The key actions and timescales for each group would be monitored and amended as required to ensure feasibility.


The report was moved by Councillor Robinson and seconded by Councillor Edyvean.


Councillor Begum stated that it was disappointing that there was no reference in the document to the recently retired Chief Executive or the newly elected Councillors.


Councillor Richard Mallender noted and welcomed the ambition of the Strategy and referred to the importance of sustaining public interest and involvement going forward. The establishment of Growth Boards and the review of community facilities was pleasing. The Council’s commitment to achieve a carbon neutral status would highlight how the Borough could lead the way.


Councillor Thomas advised that the Independent Group would be unable to support the Strategy for the following reasons. The document had insufficient measures to combat climate change, the lack of a five-year housing supply and its associated impact had not been addressed, as had the housing needs of the elderly and specific issues related to the New Homes Bonus for East Leake and other areas. Section 106 Contributions were not used quickly enough, whilst Borough assets were being sold. Transport improvements were sporadic, leading to serious road safety concerns for some residents.


Councillor Robinson advised that the Strategy was an ambitious document and related to the Council as a whole, rather than looking at specific ward issues. Specific issues raised would always be considered by the scrutiny committees.


It was RESOLVED that the Corporate Strategy 2019-23 be adopted.