3 To approve the adoption of a new Street Trading Policy PDF 242 KB
The Report of the Executive Manager – Neighbourhoods is attached.
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The Environmental Health Manager presented the report of the Executive Manager – Neighbourhoods which asked for the committees’ approval of a new Street Trading Policy across the Borough. It was noted that the Council currently permitted street trading on certain “consented streets” which were mostly situated around Trent Bridge. It was explained that the new policy would enable theCouncil to control all street trading anywhere in the Borough rather than juston the consented streets. It is important to note that the policy would not enablestreet trading to take place anywhere as the landowner’s permission would berequired. It would also enable the Council to take action against unlicensedpedlars. For example, officers’ would be able to refuse any application that did not meet the requirements of the policy; for example, improved hygiene and environmentalstandards including the use of single use plastics.
The revised draft Street Trading Policy was put out to public consultation on
In September 2017 and that a total of 5 consultation comments were received which were mainly related to the potential negative impact of the policy on locally run markets which have been developed to drive growth and support the retail economy in our town and village centres. It was explained that this had been noted and as a result the policy had been amended to specifically exempt markets and events accordingly.
It was noted that street traders would have to produce a food hygiene certificate of at least three stars in order to trade and that all nuisance issues would be dealt with by the police.
It was RESOLVED that the street trading policy be approved and be recommended for adoption to Council in March 2020.