Issue - meetings

Rushcliffe Miniature Railway Extension, Rushcliffe Country Park

Meeting: 09/01/2018 - Cabinet (Item 39)

39 Rushcliffe Miniature Railway Extension, Rushcliffe Country Park pdf icon PDF 298 KB

The Report of the Executive Manager – Operations and Transformation is attached.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)    the land at Rushcliffe Country Park, as shown at Appendix 1 of the officer’s report, be leased to the Nottingham Society of Model and Experimental Engineers Ltd for a period of 21 years (with breaks).


b)    the details of the proposed lease be advertised for two consecutive weeks in the Nottingham Post, and that any objections received be considered by the Portfolio Holder for Business and Economy prior to the Council formally enacting the lease.



Councillor Robinson, on behalf of Portfolio Holder for Economy and Business presented the report of the Executive Manager - Transformation and Operations, seeking approval for a lease to be granted for a period of 21 years on a piece of land adjacent to Rushcliffe Country Park to the Nottingham Society of Model and Experimental Engineers Ltd (NSMEE) to allow an extension of the model railway at the Nottingham Transport Heritage Centre in Ruddington.


Councillor Robinson noted that the NSMEE had been actively looking to extend the model railway and had been working with Rushcliffe Borough Council to develop its plans for some time. The proposed lease would allow for construction of an 800ft extension loop at the eastern end of the existing ground level 7 ¼” gauge track onto part of Rushcliffe Country Park. The area of land that the track would extend around was a largely tree covered area adjacent to the current track and was not currently accessed by the public, meaning that construction works would have a minimal impact on visitors to the park. Councillor Robinson advised that NSMEE would pay Rushcliffe Borough Council a small annual fee for leasing the land for the railway extension, following the completion of the extension. The officer’s report included information on the proposed terms of the lease agreement. As the proposed lease was for a period of 21 years the report noted that Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972 required that where a Council proposed make a disposal of land, which was either open space or was part of open space, notices must be published in two consecutive weeks in a local newspaper and any that any objections received should considered before a lease was made.


Councillor Robinson noted that the Council had a priority to maximise its assets and that the proposed scheme would support the enhanced use of a part of Rushcliffe Country Park which was not currently utilised and that the scheme would also support the Heritage Railway site and maximise its potential as a visitor attraction.


Councillor Upton in seconding the recommendations noted the importance of the miniature railway in attracting visitors to Rushcliffe Country Park.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)    the land at Rushcliffe Country Park, as shown at Appendix 1 of the officer’s report, be leased to the Nottingham Society of Model and Experimental Engineers Ltd for a period of 21 years (with breaks).


b)    the details of the proposed lease be advertised for two consecutive weeks in the Nottingham Post, and that any objections received be considered by the Portfolio Holder for Business and Economy prior to the Council formally enacting the lease.




The Council has a priority to maximise its assets and this scheme will support the enhanced use of a part of the Country Park which is not

currently utilised.


The scheme would support the Heritage Railway site maximise its potential as a visitor attraction.