Issue - meetings

Consideration of Scrutiny Work Programmes

Meeting: 19/11/2019 - Corporate Overview Group (Item 23)

23 Consideration of Scrutiny Work Programmes pdf icon PDF 238 KB

The Report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services is attached.

Additional documents:


It was noted that amendments to the constitution had been added to the Governance Scrutiny Group work programme. The Service Manager – Finance and Corporate Services explained that these were only minor amendments which the Monitoring Officer had made under delegated powers and would then be recommended to Full Council in March 2020.

The Chairman of the Growth and Development Scrutiny Group noted that they would invite the developers of the Abbey Road to their meeting in March 2020. It was also suggested that the Fairham Pastures development could be scrutinised in June 2020 however clarification was needed as to whether this would be too late in the process in order for the Group to have an influence on the development.

The work programme for the Communities Scrutiny Group was not set in stone as the government’s proposals for the resources and waste strategy had not yet been publicised. It was also agreed that Borough wide facilities would be discussed under the ‘West Bridgford Community Facilities’ topic in January 2020.

The Service Manager – Finance and Corporate Services suggested that the Group should fill out the scrutiny matrix form and provide additional detail when requesting topics to be discussed at scrutiny meetings such as the community infrastructure levy, management of housing developments and fly tipping. It was agreed that officers would research the topic of public engagement in scrutiny meetings and report their findings at the next meeting. 

It was RESOLVED that the work programmes as set out in the report be approved.