30 Community Infrastructure Levy PDF 225 KB
The report of the Executive Manager – Communities is attached.
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The Portfolio Holder for Housing, Councillor Upton presented the report of the Executive Manager – Communities outlining the process of introducing a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) across the Borough, following the two formal stages of consultation that had already taken place.
Councillor Upton advised that the CIL was a discretionary charge to support the provision of new infrastructure and could be levied in conjunction with Section 106 contributions. Two formal stages of consultation had taken place; firstly one on the proposed charging rates; and secondly an examination in public in March 2019. The Examiner had concluded that the charging rates were both realistic and fair and would not undermine development viability. The CIL would be chargeable on all new developments of 100sq.m or over and to all dwellings where a statutory exemption did not apply. The levy would not apply retrospectively on sites that already had outline or full planning permission. Five charging zones were proposed and one Borough-wide zone. A Payment in Kind Policy would also be available. In parished areas, each year a parish would receive 15% of the CIL income raised in that parish and that would rise to 25% if the parish was covered by a neighbourhood plan.
The report was moved by Councillor Upton and seconded by Councillor Butler.
Councillor Gaunt confirmed that whilst the Labour Group was broadly in favour of the proposal, there was a concern that extensions of just under 100sq.m would be permitted, only to be followed by a further application to increase the size again, thereby avoiding the imposition of the CIL levy.
Councillor Major confirmed that the Liberal Democrat Group welcomed the proposal as it would provide clarity for developers and capture smaller developments.
Councillor Richard Mallender welcomed the report and the contributions that would be made specifically to parishes.
Councillor Thomas welcomed the report and referred to the importance of being proactive when spending funds locally. In non-parished areas where the Council retained control of income, it was important that the local communities were fully consulted on potential spending.
Councillor Clarke highlighted the importance of adopting the CIL given the levels of growth and development taking place both locally and nationally which was creating challenges for all communities.
Councillor Butler advised that individual developments did not provide a challenge, that came from the larger developments and given the scale, any potential loophole would not be a cause for concern.
Councillor Upton confirmed that additional guidance for parish councils in relation to CIL receipts would be provided and the CIL regulations would be reviewed in 12 months.
It was RESOLVED that Council
a) adopts the Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule, as set out in Annex 3 and Annex 4 of the Examiner’s report, with it being brought into force on Monday, 7 October 2019; and
b) adopts the Community Infrastructure Levy Instalment Policy and Community Infrastructure Levy Payment in Kind Policy.