Issue - meetings

Abbey Road Progress Report

Meeting: 09/07/2019 - Cabinet (Item 15)

Abbey Road Progress Report

The report of the Interim Executive Manger – Transformation [To Follow]


It was resolved that:


a)            The Cabinet authorises the Chief Executive to shortlist the developer bids and undertake appropriate due diligence to arrive at a preferred bidder; and


b)            A follow up report providing details of the preferred bid for further consideration with regard to the future development of the site be submitted to a future meeting of the Cabinet.


The Portfolio Holder for Business and Transformation presented the report of the Executive Manager - Transformation providing an update on progress of the Abbey Road site.


The Portfolio Holder for Business and Transformation confirmed that outline planning permission for residential development had been submitted and approved by Planning Committee on 13 June 2019. The Council was seeking a high quality design and materials to create an exemplar scheme through a Design Code, with 30% affordable housing. A Housing Masterplan had been produced, taking into account site constraints including contamination issues. Based on those criteria the site had been marketed and received 27 expressions of interest and 18 offers. Following consideration of the bids, it had been agreed to ask the bidders to revisit their offer in light of making carbon efficiencies, both during construction and included within completed houses. Those revised offers would be subject to review.


In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Mason referred to the excellent opportunity the Council had to showcase high quality, sustainable design for current and future generations.


Councillor Upton noted that the high level of interest was an indication of both the importance and unique nature of the site. Whilst it would be a challenge to provide exemplar sustainable homes, the Council was committed to working with developers to achieve that goal.


Councillor Robinson noted that the Council had a rare opportunity to make a difference and provide the best housing it could for local residents. The site was significant to residents and developers and there was considerable work ahead before goals were achieved. The Council should be proud of both previous achievements and what could be achieved in the future.


It was resolved that:


a)           The Cabinet authorises the Chief Executive to shortlist the developer bids and undertake appropriate due diligence to arrive at a preferred bidder; and


b)           A follow up report providing details of the preferred bid for further consideration with regard to the future development of the site be submitted to a future meeting of the Cabinet.


Reason for decision


The Council has been working towards relocating the occupiers of the site and determining a route for bringing it forward for housing development. Following the report to Cabinet on 9 October 2018, available options have been explored. The report sets out the options and provides a recommendation for the next step in delivering the Council’s aspirations for housing growth on this site.