Issue - meetings

Creation of Work Programmes

Meeting: 20/06/2019 - Corporate Overview Group (Item 6)

6 Creation of Work Programmes pdf icon PDF 500 KB

The report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services is attached.


The Chairman raised her suggestions based on the report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services which intended to act as a guide to aid the discussion and development of the Council’s scrutiny group work programmes for 2019/20. The Chairman suggested that there were a lot of topics which had to be discussed and, therefore, the Groups should be split into working groups in order for Councillors to be able to focus on individual topics in detail. The Executive Manager – Transformation and Operations responded by stating that implementing additional meetings during the transitional period for scrutiny would be resource intensive and counter to the principles of the new scrutiny arrangements; and instead suggested that the Groups focus on one topic per meeting so that the discussion could be more focused.


The Chairman of the Growth and Development Scrutiny Group suggested that the proposed development on the depot site at Abbey Road, West Bridgford be scrutinised at the first meeting scheduled for September 2019 as it was key to ensure that the Council’s aspirations and conditions for the development of the site were being met.


It was also suggested that the Growth and Development Scrutiny Group scrutinise the Community Infrastructure Levy in September, the economic growth function of the Council in January, and customer service and digital transformation in March. The Chairman of the Governance Scrutiny Group noted that treasury management, investments and commercialism would be topics that would be scrutinised throughout 2019/20. The Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services explained that many  of the items on the Governance Scrutiny Group work programmes would be standard items previously scrutinised by the Corporate Governance Group. 


The Chairman of the Communities Scrutiny Group suggested that the Council’s carbon management plan be scrutinised in October following the motion proposed and adopted by Council in March 2019. Other items selected for the Communities Scrutiny Group included a review of community partnerships (Positive Futures and Young),  the provision of community hall facilities and engagement with the LEP.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)    The report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services be noted.

b)    The work programmes presented in appendix two of the report be agreed.