Issue - meetings

Scrutiny Review

Meeting: 07/03/2019 - Council (Item 49)

49 Scrutiny Review pdf icon PDF 203 KB

The report of the Chief Executive is attached.

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Councillor Robinson informed Council that the review of scrutiny had been requested by the Cabinet as they felt that the current structure was out of date and did not reflect the current aspirations of the Council. Independent assistance had been secured from the Centre for Public Scrutiny who had observed meetings, interviewed councillors and analysed data to provide insight. He drew Council’s attention to the best practice recommendations in the report and highlighted the desired model of scrutiny as well as the transitional model proposed for introduction following Annual Council in May 2019.


Councillor Beardsall seconded the report and reminded councillors that due to its ambitious programme of development the Council needed to ensure that decisions were being properly scrutinised over the coming years. He agreed with the stepped change approach allowing time to train both new and returning councillors following the election in May and urged Council to ensure that current actions emerging from existing scrutiny arrangements were not lost in the transition.


Councillor Chewings welcomed the review and recognised the hard work of officers and partners involved in scrutiny but reflected that some aspects of scrutiny could be better. She looked forward to being able to shape the new structure alongside a refreshed Council after May. Councillor Jones expressed concern about the best practice recommendation relating to daytime meetings as he felt this would make it difficult for councillors who worked to attend. Councillor Walker expressed similar concerns as prospective councillors had been recruited on their ability to combine a potential position as a councillor with a normal job. Councillor Mallender felt that the transitional model provided new councillors room to grow and shape part of the Council once they had received their training. He also noted the open participation in the process and the follow-up workshops from all councillors.



Councillor Lawrence reflected back on the introduction of scrutiny and his many years as vice chairman of a scrutiny committee. He advised that one overview group may find themselves with a very challenging agenda during the first year of operation.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)    the CfPS Review of Scrutiny report be noted


b)    the current scrutiny structure is disbanded at the end of the municipal year


c)    the creation of the transitional model of scrutiny including the Corporate Overview Group and three themed scrutiny groups of growth, communities and governance be agreed and operational from 1 June 2019


d)    the size and proportionality of the new scrutiny groups as outlined in paragraphs 4.13 and 4.16 is agreed


e)    the Chief Executive explores options for independent support during the transitional period as outlined in paragraph 4.18


f)     the Chief Executive to bring forward Terms of Reference for all scrutiny groups to Annual Council to allow nomination to groups to be made.