Issue - meetings

Strategic Land Acquisition for Potential Crematorium

Meeting: 13/11/2018 - Cabinet (Item 28)

28 Strategic Land Acquisition for Potential Crematorium pdf icon PDF 339 KB

The Report of the Executive Manager – Transformation.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)    the principle of the provision of a new crematorium in be supported and that officers be authorised to finalise options for the identified site.

b)    the identified location for a new crematorium as identified in Appendix B be supported, subject to consideration of the Planning Committee and all the relevant consultation.

c)    the provision for the purchase of the land and delivery of a crematorium in the 2019/20 capital programme be endorsed, subject to planning and

approval by Cabinet via a further detailed business case in mid 2019.

d)    A further report be presented to Cabinet in mid 2019 with an update on the planning outcome, a detailed business case and proposed route to procurement and delivery of the crematorium (which could be either by RBC or by a third party).



The Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Borough Wide Leadership presented the report of the Executive Manager – Transformation which asked for Cabinet’s support for the provision of a new crematorium in Rushcliffe. It was noted that an opportunity had been identified for the Council to assess the feasibility of development and operation of an additional crematorium within Rushcliffe. It was demonstrated that there was a geographical gap in Rushcliffe which was not currently served by a crematorium within a 35 – 40 minute drive time.  The Portfolio Holder explained that Mercia Crematoria Ltd, an independent development company identified a site within the Borough at Stragglethorpe, Cotgrave and that they had developed plans for a crematorium scheme to go on the identified site and would submit  a planning application in December 2018.


It was noted that if the planning application was approved by the Planning Committee, a business plan would be submitted to Cabinet in mid-2019 for consideration.


In seconding the recommendations Councillor Moore stated that due to significant population growth there was a need for an additional crematorium within the Borough.


Councillor Upton noted that delays at Wilford Hill were causing concerns for residents and so there was a demand for an additional crematorium in Rushcliffe. The Portfolio Holder explained that the development of a new crematorium in Rushcliffe would provide economic growth within the Borough and that the location of Stragglethorpe, Cotgrave was an ideal location for growth. 



It was RESOLVED that:


a)    the principle of the provision of a new crematorium in be supported and that officers be authorised to finalise options for the identified site.

b)    the identified location for a new crematorium as identified in Appendix B be supported, subject to consideration of the Planning Committee and all the relevant consultation.

c)    the provision for the purchase of the land and delivery of a crematorium in the 2019/20 capital programme be endorsed, subject to planning and

approval by Cabinet via a further detailed business case in mid 2019.

d)    A further report be presented to Cabinet in mid 2019 with an update on the planning outcome, a detailed business case and proposed route to procurement and delivery of the crematorium (which could be either by RBC or by a third party).




Reason for decisions


To allow Rushcliffe Borough Council to facilitate the provision of community infrastructure within the Borough.