Issue - meetings

Report on the 5 year Housing Supply in Rushcliffe

Meeting: 09/10/2018 - Cabinet (Item 21)

21 Report on the 5 year Housing Supply in Rushcliffe pdf icon PDF 170 KB

Report to follow.

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It was RESOLVED that:


a)    in accordance with the motion passed at Council on 27 September 2018, the Chief Executive facilitates the ongoing lobbying of Central Government in order to raise the impact of the lack of delivery of key strategic sites is having on Rushcliffe communities and the Council’s ability to achieve the Local Plan Part 1.


b)    the Chief Executive takes the necessary actions to facilitate delivery the Gamston Strategic Allocation in whole or part.


The Portfolio Holder for Housing, Planning and Waste Management presented the report of the Executive Manager – Communities which provided wan update on the current 5 year housing supply position in Rushcliffe and the reasoning and impacts of that current position following the motion that was agreed at Full Council on 27 September 2018 (Council Minute No. 28 2018/19).


The report noted that there had been difficulties and obstacles in accelerating the delivery of housing sites in order to meet the current projected five-year housing supply. Due to these circumstances the report sought Cabinet’s endorsement for a review of Rushcliffe’s current housing target to take place through appropriate channels for work to continue in order to accelerate  and progress the Gamston strategic allocation.


It in moving the recommendations the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Planning and Waste Management noted that there was a number of reasons why the development of the site at Gamston had been delayed including that Nottinghamshire County Council had not formally engaged with other private landowners in order to bring forward an outline planning application for consideration. It was also noted that delivery of housing on the Gamston site was critical for in order for the Borough to achieve its overall housing target and to establish its 5-year housing supply that would strengthen the Council’s position in resisting speculative residential developments in other parts of the Borough.


In seconding the recommendations Councillor Edyvean advised that if landowners and developers did not build on allocated sites then the Council should not be held fully responsible for dealing with consequences of this inactivity by having to allocate further housing sites.  


Councillor Mason noted that the development of the site at Gamston was crucial for residents and for the Council to attain a five-year housing supply. Councillor Robinson highlighted that a consequence of the Council not having a five-year housing supply was that the Council had received a number of large scale  housing development applications in areas where development was not sustainable due to lack of infrastructure, such as in East Leake. Councillor Robinson noted that despite the Council trying to resist these developments, a number of planning appeals had been lost on the basis that the Council could not demonstrate a 5-year housing supply.  Councillor Moore reiagreed with the comments of Councillor Robinson and noted that the facilities in the village of East Leake were not able to keep up with the amount of unplanned growth. Councillor Moore stated that it was therefore, essential for the Council to take the necessary steps to progress the Gamston Strategic Allocation.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)    in accordance with the motion passed at Council on 27 September 2018, the Chief Executive facilitates the ongoing lobbying of Central Government in order to raise the impact of the lack of delivery of key strategic sites is having on Rushcliffe communities and the Council’s ability to achieve the Local Plan Part 1.


b)    the Chief Executive takes the necessary actions to facilitate delivery the Gamston  ...  view the full minutes text for item 21