Issue - meetings

Performance Monitoring Quarter 1 2018/19

Meeting: 25/09/2018 - Performance Management Board (Item 11)

11 Performance Monitoring Quarter 1 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 719 KB

The report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services is attached.


The Service Manager – Finance and Corporate Services presented the report of the Executive Manager – Transformation and Operations that provided a summary of the Council’s performance for quarter 1 2018/19 that contained tasks from the Council’s Corporate Strategy 2016 – 2020 and performance indicators.


There were five performance highlights that were selected for the report:


LINS27a Average length of stay of all households in temporary accommodation – the average time spent in temporary accommodation was 5 weeks in this quarter,significantly lower than the 9 weeks average for 2017/18


LINS51 Number of leisure centre users – public – the number of leisure centre users continued to grow, the number of visitors was almost 27,000 higher than the first quarter in 2017/18.


LINS60 Number of users of paid council car parks – usage had increased, up over 22,000 compared to the first quarter in 2017/18.


LITR09 Percentage of customer face to face enquiries to RCCC responded to within 10 minutes performance had achieved 92% this quarter, a further improvement on the 90% average achieved for 2017/18


LITR12 Percentage of RBC owned industrial units occupied occupation had returned to 100% following the addition of new units in Cotgrave.


Five performance exceptions were noted for quarter 1:


LICO41 Percentage of householder planning applications processed within target times performance had dropped to 78.2% compared to the target of 88% as a result ofstaff vacancies and increased workload.


LICO46a Percentage of appeals allowed against total number of Major planning applications determined by the authority although performance was 12.5%, this wasonly 2.5% over target and was due to one appeal (allowed) against 8 major applications inthe period.


LINS06 Cumulative number of fly tipping cases (against cumulative monthly comparison for last year) fly tipping reports had been rising year on year bothlocally and nationally, with 264 made in the first quarter in Rushcliffe. A number of flytippers had been caught and a vehicle has been seized.


LINS32 Average waiting time of applicants rehoused by Choice Based Lettings this indicator had been an exception in the past and was subject to factors that determine property types available and length of time on the waiting list of successful applicants. Although 3 weeks over target at 38 weeks, past experience had shown that performance could improve over the year.


LINS39 Vehicle crimes per 1,000 population the current value of 1.53 related to 173 reported offences compared to 159 in the first quarter last year. Campaigns were being directed at crime hotspots to alert vehicle owners.


Members of the Board asked if the information provided on the average waiting time of applicants rehoused by Choice Based Lettings be broken down further to increase clarity. It was also noted that consideration be given to the setting of targets for tasks which did not currently have them such as number of apprenticeships and number of work experience placements provided by the Council. The Service Manager explained that the Council’s custom  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11