Issue - meetings

Abbey Road Update

Meeting: 09/06/2020 - Cabinet (Item 72)

Abbey Road Update

The report of the Executive Manager – Transformation is attached.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)    the disposal of the former Abbey Road depot land for the revised offer for the development of 76 new homes, with at least 30% affordable and in in accordance with the Design Code and Masterplan be authorised; and


b)    the revised expected capital receipt and the impact on the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) to be reflected in the revised MTFS to be presented to Full Council in September 2020 be noted.


The Portfolio Holder for Business and Transformation presented the report of the Executive Manager – Transformation providing an update on the Abbey Road Depot redevelopment.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)    the disposal of the former Abbey Road depot land for the revised offer for the development of 76 new homes, with at least 30% affordable and in in accordance with the Design Code and Masterplan be authorised; and


b)    the revised expected capital receipt and the impact on the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) to be reflected in the revised MTFS to be presented to Full Council in September 2020 be noted.