Decision details

Parkwood Leisure Ltd Contract Variation

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Wellbeing, ICT and Member Development, Councillor J Wheeler presented the report of the Director – Neighbourhoods, which provided an update on Parkwood Leisure Ltd Contract Variation.


The recommendation was proposed by Councillor Wheeler and seconded by Councillor Virdi.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)           a variation of the Parkwood Leisure Contract to extend the contract to 31 July 2030 and include Edwalton Golf Course facility be approved;


b)           a further variation of the Parkwood Leisure Contract to include East Leake Leisure Centre within one consolidated leisure contract, subject to successful negotiations with Nottinghamshire County Council at the end of the current PFI arrangements be approved;


c)           the Council’s Monitoring Officer be authorised to execute formal legal agreements to effect these contract variation; and


d)           the Director – Neighbourhoods be granted delegated authority to explore, in consultation with Director – Finance and Corporate Services and Section 151 Officer, alternative models of contract delivery such as an agency model, which are emerging within the leisure industry and report appropriately.

Report author: Dave Banks

Publication date: 15/01/2025

Date of decision: 14/01/2025

Decided at meeting: 14/01/2025 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: