Decision details

Land Acquisition

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The Leader and Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Borough-wide Leadership, Councillor Clarke presented the report of the Director – Neighbourhoods, which provided an update on land acquisition in respect of Rushcliffe’s Carbon Offsetting Framework. 


The recommendation was proposed by the Leader and seconded by Councillor Brennan.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)               the acquisition of the land set out in Option 2 in the report be approved, with the Asset Investment Group being granted delegated authority to a maximum bid as set out within the Financial Implications Section 7.1 of the report, plus all costs associated with the acquisition;


b)               opportunities regarding the Council’s own landholdings, as set out at Section 4 and also Option 1 in the report be explored and delivered;


c)                the ring fencing of funds as set out in the Financial Implications Section 7.1 of the report for carbon offsetting for land acquisition and associated costs within the Climate Change Reserve be approved; and


d)               the Asset Investment Group be granted delegated authority regarding future land acquisitions for the purposes of carbon offsetting within the limit of the funds identified in the Financial Implications Section 7.1 of the report.

Report author: Leanne Ashmore

Publication date: 13/11/2024

Date of decision: 12/11/2024

Decided at meeting: 12/11/2024 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: