Decision details

Delegated Decisions for for Covid-19

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


It was RESOLVED that


a)     the decisions made under delegated urgency provisions as set out in paragraph 4.3 of the report be endorsed and that these should be exempted from call in on the grounds of urgency at the time the decision was made, and not subsequently;


b) that a variation to the Parkwood/Lex leisure contract be negotiated, to cover the period when leisure centres have to remain closed due to Covid-19 and the Section 151 Officer (in consultation with the Monitoring Officer) be granted delegated authority to agree the contract variation;


c) a report with recommendations on the future contractual arrangements and the variation with Parkwood/Lex Leisure be submitted to a future Cabinet meeting;


d) the Council Tax Support grant policy paper (Appendix 1) to be endorsed by Full Council (as part of a revised Covid-19 Budget later in the year) be agreed; and


e) the potential Discretionary Business Rates Grant Fund broad parameters (Appendix 3) be noted and once final guidance is received from central government, the delegation of completing Rushcliffe’s final discretionary scheme to the portfolio holders for Finance and Business and Transformation; and the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services be approved.

Report author: Kath Marriott

Publication date: 13/05/2020

Date of decision: 12/05/2020

Decided at meeting: 12/05/2020 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: